Are you a new customer? *
Yes No
What tax year are you filing for? *
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 other
Family name
First name
Are you a person living alone? (Answer yes, if 1 adult lives with children under 18)
Yes No
Male Female
Civil status *
Married common-law partner Widower Divircated Separated Single
Has your marital status changed during the year? *
Yes No
Do you have dependents ? *
Yes No
Correspondence language *
French English
Phone number *
Email *
Address *
Additional address
City *
Province *
Postal code
Country *
Did you change your address during the tax year?
if yes, indicate the date of the move
Are you a Canadian citizen ?*
yes No
Are you filing your first income tax return for the CRA and Revenu Qc? *
Yes No
Have you sold a residence this year? *
Yes No
Are you an agent or official of a foreign country? *
Yes No
What are your sources of income? * Click the eligible boxes (use Alt Car to check multiple choices)
Employment (T4-R1 provided by employer) Self-employed (Provide total sales and expenses) Rental Income (Provide total income and expenses) Investment-Interest / Dividend (T5 / R3, T3 / R5 ... Provided by your financial institution) Equity investment (T5008 + Purchase cost + Transaction fees) Annuity and pension (T4AP, T4OAS, T4A ..) Employment insurance ( T4E, provided by the Government of Canada) Parental Insurance (T4E, provided by the Government of Canada) Salary Insurance (T4A, provided by the insurer) Social Assistance (T5007, provided by the Government of Quebec) Withdrawal from a registered plan such as an RRSP, RESP ... (T4A, T4RSP ...) Bursaries (Studies, Research ...) (T4A provided by the payer) Virtual currency Other
What are the possible tax credits related to your situation?
Click the eligible boxes (use Alt Car to check multiple choices)
RRSP (Provide official slip from your institution) Medical expenses (not reimbursed by your private insurance) Tuition fees (T2202A / RL-8) Student loan interest (Annual statement from your institution) Charitable donation (Provide the organization's leaflet) Contribution to a professional order or association Custody costs (provide RL-24 custodian information - Name, Address, SIN) First home purchase (Provide the deed of purchase) Did you work from home to home (If yes, provide work-related expenses
Do you have a private drug plan with your work or other ? *
Yes, Group insurance plan (work, university, personal) No, Quebec insurance plan
During the year, how many months were you insured on this plan ?
If you have a private drug plan, select the item that represents your situation?
Personal group plan Parent or partner's group insurance Not applicable
As of December 31, were you a tenant or an owner? Tenant: provide Relevé 31, owner: provide registration number indicated on municipal tax bill
Tenant Owner With parents Subsidized rental
If you are a tenant or owner, how many people are on your lease or property deed ?
If possible, indicate the maximum RRSP deduction amount from your last Federal Notice of Assessment
How many jobs did you have during the current tax year? *
If you became a resident of Canada during the current tax year, indicate your date of entry into Canada:
If you ceased to be a resident of Canada during the current tax year, indicate your date of departure from Canada:
Supporting documents - Principal. If possible, please provide your previous year's notices of assessment
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Partner Declaration
Please fill in all mandatory fields.
Family name
First name
Are you a person living alone? (Answer yes, if 1 adult lives with children under 18)
Yes No
Male Female
Civil status *
Married common-law partner Widower Divorced Separated Single
Correspondence language *
French English
Phone number *
Email *
Address *
Additional address
City *
Province *
Postal code
Country *
Are you a Canadian citizen ? *
yes No
Are you filing your first income tax return for the CRA and Revenu Qc? *
Yes No
Have you sold a residence this year? *
Yes No
Are you an agent or official of a foreign country? *
Yes No
Do you have a private drug plan with your work or other? *
Yes, Group insurance (work, university, personal) No, Quebec drug insurance
During the year, how many months were you insured on this plan ?
As of December 31, were you a tenant or an owner? Tenant: provide Relevé 31, owner: provide registration number indicated on municipal tax bill
Tenant Owner With parents Subsidized rental
If you are a tenant or owner, how many people are on your lease or property deed ?
If possible, indicate the maximum RRSP deduction amount from your last Federal Notice of Assessment
What are your sources of income? * Click the eligible boxes (use Alt Car to check multiple choices)
Employment (T4-R1 provided by employer) Self-employed (Provide total sales and expenses) Rental Income (Provide total income and expenses) Investment-Interest / Dividend (T5 / R3, T3 / R5 ... Provided by your financial institution) Equity investment (T5008 + Purchase cost + Transaction fees) Annuity and pension (T4AP, T4OAS, T4A ..) Employment insurance ( T4E, provided by the Government of Canada) Parental Insurance (T4E, provided by the Government of Canada) Salary Insurance (T4A, provided by the insurer) Social Assistance (T5007, provided by the Government of Quebec) Withdrawal from a registered plan such as an RRSP, RESP ... (T4A, T4RSP ...) Bursaries (Studies, Research ...) (T4A provided by the payer) Virtual currency Other
What are the possible tax credits related to your situation?
Click the eligible boxes (use Alt Car to check multiple choices)
RRSP (Provide official slip from your institution) Medical expenses (not reimbursed by your private insurance) Tuition fees (T2202A / RL-8) Student loan interest (Annual statement from your institution) Charitable donation (Provide the organization's leaflet) Contribution to a professional order or association Custody costs (provide RL-24 custodian information - Name, Address, SIN) First home purchase (Provide the deed of purchase) Did you work from home to home (If yes, provide work-related expenses adoption fees infertility treatment children's activities spousal support payments
How many jobs did you have during the current tax year? *
If you became a resident of Canada during the current tax year, indicate your date of entry into Canada:
If you ceased to be a resident of Canada during the current tax year, indicate your date of departure from Canada:
Supporting documents - Partner. If possible, please provide your previous year's notices of assessment
Partner section, scroll up the page and complete the form, if applicable.
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1. Family name
First name
Male Female
2. Family name
First name
Male Female
3. Family name
First name
Male Female
4. Family name
First name
Male Female
5. Family name
First name
Male Female
If you have dependent children, do they have a physical or mental disability?
yes No
Are you a Canadian citizen ?*
yes No
Are you a Canadian citizen ?*
yes No
Other supporting documents - Dependents
Dependents section, scroll up the page and complete the form, if applicable.
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I authorize JMJ Accounting Services to prepare the tax return with the information I have provided. JMJ Accounting Services is not responsible if I forget any slips or other items. When the file is analyzed we will contact you.
Please enter your email address for communication *
Please enter your signature here (Write your name) *